Comments: Lisa: Is making time for stress relief stressing you out?

Hello?! I believe I ordered the LARGE cappuccino! What in the name of dressing up as Gandolf is that supposed to mean? That, if we were married, I'd be freaking out because "our" basement is messy? Vicky, Vicky, Vicky.... Give her a squeeze for me. That gave me a laugh. Besides, if fate had taken me down a different road, the basement would be clean and oragnized by now, with everything in little plastic shelf units, complete with labels from my Avery LabelMaker. For example, "Lisa's Yarn," and "Lisa's A Schoolpapers" (this would require several units), and "Lisa's Overly Large Noir Pit Clothing."

Posted by Oddly, the subject of this entry. at November 10, 2004 12:42 PM

To preempt any nasty e-mails, I'd better clarify: the "Overly Large Noir Pit Clothing" is deemed overly large because that's how ALL pit clothing fits, NOT because the wearer requires the extra room. Whew. That was close.

Oh, and that cod liver oil thing sounds GREAT.

Posted by El Subjecto at November 10, 2004 12:52 PM

Hee. Love to Charles. It appears that if I had married you, I would have in fact married myself. I just finished organizing my craft closet, which is now full of clear plastic drawers complete with labels (such as "Lisa's Yarn") made with my label maker. I'll have to post some pictures. I also labeled some of the food in my cupboards when I got the label maker, just because I love making labels SO MUCH. One tuna can reads "fish are friends, not food," and my can of shortening is marked "delicious, nutritious Cottolene" (a product advertised in a 1940s cookbook I found at my parents' house called "52 Sunday Dinners").

Posted by lisa at November 10, 2004 04:54 PM