Comments: Sarah: Plus, I love prezzies...

wow, i was going to say you picked the most expensive one, but they get a LOT more expensive. I never realized a poloroid camera would be so much. But cool. Sorry sarah, i am not loaded enough for that. Maybe david "moneybags" anderson would be cool enough to get one for you.

Posted by Young Jeffrey at February 22, 2007 11:32 AM

Excellent idea, Jeff! Unfortunately, instead of being the friendly, wealth-sharing sort of Moneybags, he's more of the miserly Scrooge McDuck sort of Moneybags. After all, if he bought me a polaroid camera, Dave might not be able to go swimming in his room full of money.

Posted by sarah at February 22, 2007 11:34 AM

Hee. I love ducktails.

ANYWAYS, Polaroids are fun, but they are really expensive, the film is especially expensive (like a dollar per exposure)... but it really really fun. you can make pictures or transfers... or other things..

Speaking of Polaroid film, I still have some left over from my hasselblad experience and we should consider making silly pictures in the studio... Because I'm never going to use that film otherwise.

And I'm going to end my novel of a comment now.


Posted by Mallory at February 22, 2007 03:02 PM