Comments: Sarah: 10 Reasons to Live Alone

DAMNIT! This makes me jealous. JEALOUS! SOOOOOOOOOO JEALOUS! Oh the jealousy. aijkgha;fklhgasd

Posted by Andrea at June 13, 2007 04:56 PM

I have to take exception with numbers 9 and 10. When I dropped by on a Saturday morning, in my hoodie and underwear, I was unceremoniously rejected. And served a restraining order . . . what's up with that?

Posted by Dave at June 14, 2007 08:19 AM

Wow, ain't the truth. I'd also like to add a few.

1. You get to watch whatever the hell you want. (And no one is there to chit, chit, chit(Lisa knows) when you wants to watch judge shows all morning and afternoon)
2. You can lose the hoodie if so inclined and other unmentionables.
3. Like underwear(even if it isn't good for the furniture(did I cross the line with this one))

I guess I should just stop.

Posted by Jeremy at June 14, 2007 10:47 AM