hee hee hee. I love the dog ad so much.
Posted by Mallory at July 1, 2008 03:53 PMThat dog's dad has issues. And the other place sounds great despite the fact that it's a disgusting, trashy, junky, leaky, moldy, dusty, still trashy, stained, bug-infested, rat-infested place.
Posted by Michelle Glauser at July 1, 2008 03:56 PMAs Blake pointed out, it's a good thing dogs and cats are allowed at the second place, as they will be needed to hunt the insects and vermin.
Also, there are some really cute apartment buildings on 27th South. I noticed them when Nora and I were on our walk.
Posted by lisa at July 1, 2008 06:19 PMOh. Wow. I'll keep my eye open for you.
Posted by e at July 2, 2008 10:27 AMLis, you'll have to show me these apartment buildings!
Posted by sarah at July 2, 2008 11:57 AMIm sure the apartment with the plant grwoing out of the heating duct is still open.
Posted by Marci at July 2, 2008 01:08 PM