August 07, 2004

Sarah: All Work, oh, and Play.

"Some people" have claimed that i "haven't posted" for "some time." I admit, I have slacked excessively this summer, but that brings me to my topic for today. This summer has been the first time that I've had a real full-time job. Sure, I've been a full-time student and worked part-time simultaneously. I've worked 35 hours every week in the past, but never as bona-fide as this summer. I work 9-5 six days of the week. This being a fairly new experience for me, I have been unable to discover how people have time to do anything else productive after they complete a full day of work. My sister, Lisa, for example, has worked full-time, completed a masters degree (Congratulations Lisa! Happy Graduation!!), and maintained a healthy marriage to Blake for the last several years. How does she do it? My parents both work full-time and have a big backyard that they keep looking fabulous, even though every plant seems to wilt as soon as it comes in contact with rays from the sun. How, when they are at work during this time, do they keep their yard from dying instantaneously? Blake, Lisa, and I were in charge of keeping the plants alive while they were on vacation, and, though Blake watered diligently, we were largely unsuccessful in maintaining their flowerbeds. When I come home from work, I have no energy for being productive. I usually go out with my friends after work, but our activities are largely vegetative. I want answers, productive people! How do you do it??

Posted by sarah at August 07, 2004 04:05 PM

i understand.

Posted by: stace on August 12, 2004 10:43 PM
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