January 17, 2006

Lisa: miscible

In fifth grade I was a spelling machine. Our teacher held a class spelling bee to determine who would participate in the school's competition. She even promised to take the top two spellers in the class out for ice cream at the local Leatherby's. Now, I was not my teacher's favorite student. In fact, for some strange reason she hated me. This may have had to do with the fact that she hated my mom. ANYWAY. One of my good friends was my teacher's favorite student, and I think she offered the ice cream prize with that particular student specifically in mind. Imagine her chagrin when a male classmate and I earned the top two spots! Her favored pupil was number three, so the ice cream party was expanded to include her as well. But I digress.

I held my own at the school-wide spelling bee (against sixth-graders!), but stumbled on the word miscible:

Pronunciation: (mis'u-bul)
--adj. Chem., Physics.
capable of being mixed: miscible ingredients.

Ironically, I spelled a homonym, missable.

I redeemed myself somewhat in seventh grade, at my junior high spelling bee. I took second place after losing to my crush, who couldn't understand how I could not know the word nemesis.

Posted by lisa at January 17, 2006 09:05 PM

Oh, the irony.
In fact, now that I think about it, those might be the two most ironic spelling mistake ironies that ever ironied.
No, I'm totally not making fun of you.

Posted by: Sarah on January 17, 2006 10:27 PM
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