November 05, 2007

Sarah: Honey, You Baked!

In a recent flurry of domesticity, I decided to try the much talked about No-Knead Bread. The ingredients are so simple: flour, salt, yeast, and water. So around 1 pm on a Sunday, I mixed up the dough and then read on in the directions. Let the dough sit for at least 12 hours. Um. And then another two hours. I obviously had planned poorly. So after the dough sat through the night... and then while I was at work... and at school, I decided to throw away the dough. Because, obviously: Ew.
So how hard could kneading be? It would seem that long blocks of time would be more difficult for my schedule than a little kneading. I found a new recipe via Not Martha with the same simple ingredients and a significantly faster timeline.
The result? A tasty lunch of soup and homemade bread. Mmmm. This could be the start of something wonderful.

Posted by sarah at November 05, 2007 11:50 AM

A HA!! Excellent. I've been inspired to bake too. I made some delicious brownies with walnuts. And next a coconut cream pie. But I also want to bake a loaf of bread too!! YUMMY!! I LOVE HOLIDAY BAKING!

Posted by: Jeremy on November 5, 2007 12:15 PM
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