December 28, 2010

Sarah: Bacon Pillow

Among my brother's extremely varied list of Christmas wants (everything from chain mail to socks from Wal-Mart) was ThinkGeek's My First Bacon Talking Plush. I found the idea of a bacon pillow amusing, but couldn't get behind paying $20 plus shipping for something with a face that says "I'm bacon" whenever you lean against it while watching a movie.

So I made my own version of the bacon pillow:

Which turned out to not look much like bacon at all. So I added a little embroidery to clarify things.

He really does. Done and done.

Posted by sarah at December 28, 2010 11:10 PM

I think this turned out super awesome.

Posted by: lisa on December 31, 2010 10:01 AM

It is awesome. Baconlike, but can still pretend to be a normal pillow.

Posted by: Young Jeffrey on January 4, 2011 02:25 PM
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