June 20, 2003

Lisa: Stream of Bookishness

So, I was looking over the search phrases that brought people to our site, and I noticed "tooth books." As it happens, I have an excellent book about teeth to recommend: Open Wide: Tooth School Inside, by Laurie Keller. Ostensibly a picture book aimed at encouraging youngsters to brush, Open Wide is chock-full of very detailed and often hilarious illustrations that can keep even an adult (or at least me) entertained for a while.

The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip

And that reminded me of another book with a similar (but much more sophisticated) illustration style, called The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip, by George Saunders. This book is for slightly older kids with an attention span that's a little bit longer, but it's full of imagination and humor. And the moral of the story is much more important (and subtle) than "brush your teeth!"

Posted by lisa at June 20, 2003 12:54 PM

so, i don't know if you're taking book suggestions, but i've been reading "the basic eight," by daniel handler, which is very funny so far, although definitely a girl book. which is why i am recommending it to you. there you have it.

Posted by: dave on June 20, 2003 01:31 PM
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